Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I'll post the food diary post later

I don't usually weigh myself, but I did today, and I found out that I've lost 2 pounds. Not a terribly big loss, but it's a start.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ok, you guys that joined can post now, the emails came, and you are admin'd.

I have set out on a search for a diet pop that I like (and can drink for more than a day at a time) so far I've tried:

my rating: 0/10
(I really just cannot drink this stuff. I know it's an acquired taste because a lot of people I know like it, but it's just not for me.)

my rating: 8/10
(I rated it a few points lower than 10 because it's good, it tastes almost exactly the same, but it still just isn't the same.

my rating: 8/10
(Pretty much the same reason as the root beer)

my rating: 8/10
(this is one of the pops I could drink if there was no other choice, or if I got tired of diet root beer or 7 up)

my rating: 9/10 (for now)
(I have to drink the pop for a few days before I can figure out if I like it or not, but for now, it has the same bubble doesn't feel like foam instead of fizz...and it tastes great if you like sierra mist)

Day 5 for Chelie

1/2 c applesauce -- 21 g
2 sandwiches (whole wheat, two pieces of lean honey turkey on both sandwiches, no mayonnaise, my usual sandwiches) -- 60 g
1 can diet dr pepper -- 0 g
2 granola bars -- 40 g

Day 4 for Chelie

This was an awful day also.

2 sandwiches -- 60 g
1 snickers bar -- 35 g
1/2 symphony bar -- 11 g
1 can diet 7up -- 0 g
1 can mt dew -- 31 g
1 kit kat -- 27 g
1 apple -- 21 g

TOTAL ----------------*185 g*

Saturday, August 12, 2006

One more thing...

To the people who said they would join, I sent your invitation emails, but no one has seemed to get them yet. I don't know what's going on.

Day 3 for Chelie

Ok, so I didn't get around to posting moms. I will do that when I get home. I am at Denise's and she was very nice in the fact that she bought some healthy food that I can eat when I'm here, and I will just leave the food I don't eat here, even though she says I can take it home. Today was a low day, mainly because of the festival. Now for the shameful day in eating I had.

1 c. cantaloupe -- 10.9 g
3 slices lean turkey -- 6 g
hamburger -- 33 g
pepsi 28 oz. -- 126 g
10 french fries -- 15.6
16 oz mt dew -- 92 g
2 sandwiches -- 68 g
3 tootsie rolls -- 18 g
16 oz water -- o g
TOTAL ---------------*369.5 g*

Day 2 for Chelie

Alright, after the thing with the pop, I didn't do too bad. I ate a lot of cantaloupe though. With how late it is, I will total and check moms tomorrow. So, for Day 2:

2 slices of lean turkey -- 4 g
1 granola bar -- 20 g
1/2 c applesauce -- 21 g
1 20 oz. bottle of diet dr pepper -- o g
3 c cantaloupe -- 32.7 g
6 oz. pork steak -- 0 g
1 granola bar -- 20 g
TOTAL ----------------------*90.7*

Friday, August 11, 2006


Day 2 already and I almost caved. I was going over to the store, and usually I will get a candybar every once in a while, but not every day. I was going to get a Pepsi, but mom guilt kicked in. If I'm going on the same diet as mom, I'm going to drink the only kind of pop she can drink. Diet Dr. Pepper. It's hard for me to not have pop, and I don't count diet as pop, because it usually tastes horrible. I'm used to having a pop pretty much anytime, living across the street from a pop machine and all. When we were younger, Denise and I would hunt around the living room for change to go get a pop because we were bored. I'm not hungry at the moment, but I was hungry before I went to bed last night. I'm just not used to eating smarter rather than eating more. My personal goal for the end of this two weeks is getting up to 4 glasses of water a day, since at the moment I barely drink one glass a day. When I'm 19, weigh 215 pounds and have a 50 inch waist, I know I need to stick with the diet.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Day 1 for Louise

August 10, 2006

Blood Sugar (BS): 120

10:00 am
Sausage egg and cheese biscuit -- 28.5 g (counted sausage, cheese, egg, and biscuit seperately)

TOTAL ---------------------**28.5**

6:00 pm

Turkey Sandwich -- 43.8 g (again, counted everything, even mustard separately)
5 chicken strips -- 15 g
TOTAL ---------------------**58.8**

GRAND TOTAL ---------------------**87.3**

BS at 8:00 pm: 106

I posted this for mom, because she hasn't gotten the email to add herself to the blog yet.

Day 1 for Chelie

August 10, 2006
Today went like this:

Blood Sugar (BS): 69

10:00 am
Tater Tots -- 1 cup -- 30.8 g
20 oz. bottle of pepsi -- 68 g
Twix candy bar -- 37 g
TOTAL ---------------------**135.8**

6:00 pm

5 chicken strips -- 15 g
2 slices lean turkey -- 4 g
1 medium carrot -- 7.3 g
1/2 c applesauce -- 21 g
1 tbsp ketchup -- 4 g
1/2 granola bar -- 11 g
TOTAL ---------------------**62.3**

GRAND TOTAL ---------------------**198.1**

BS at 9:00 pm: 73

Today I tested twice because it was the first day of the diet, but I am going to not test again until the end of the two weeks.

No exercise as of yet, but am planning to do Tae-Bo tonight

Also, my mom and I are having a bit of a competition. Whoever loses the most weight at the end of 2 weeks gets to pick out the place to go out to eat for those two weeks. I will be posting updates on that also. We are also writing down everything we eat and the carb count. For me it's mainly to keep track, and stay on track of eating right. For my mom, it's double, because she has to keep track of how much she eats, how often she eats, what she eats, and what her blood sugar was. It's hard to go on a diet alone, much less change your entire lifestyle. I am also going to try to do Tae-Bo once a night. By posting on this blog, I promise to myself to be as honest as possible in telling what I ate, and how much of it I ate.


So diets have never worked for me...But I'm going to try my hardest on this one, because I want to prevent diabetes. I know now that both my mom and dad have diabetes, and two of my aunts have it. So I really need to be careful. I am going to post my daily intake, including drinks. I am going to give the carb count of all my food, and calculate the total, and what I should be eating. I am also able to test my blood sugar every few weeks, so whenever I test that, I will be posting that too. This is just to help me to eat the right foods. If I don't eat the right foods, I don't want everyone here to see, or I will be a little embarrassed. This way, maybe I will push myself to eat healthier for my sake, and to feel good about my choices instead of ashamed.