Thursday, August 10, 2006


So diets have never worked for me...But I'm going to try my hardest on this one, because I want to prevent diabetes. I know now that both my mom and dad have diabetes, and two of my aunts have it. So I really need to be careful. I am going to post my daily intake, including drinks. I am going to give the carb count of all my food, and calculate the total, and what I should be eating. I am also able to test my blood sugar every few weeks, so whenever I test that, I will be posting that too. This is just to help me to eat the right foods. If I don't eat the right foods, I don't want everyone here to see, or I will be a little embarrassed. This way, maybe I will push myself to eat healthier for my sake, and to feel good about my choices instead of ashamed.


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